Who We Are

Jonathan Lawson is a progressive communications strategist and Digital Communications Manager with Climate Solutions in Seattle. He was previously founding director of the media democracy advocacy organization Reclaim the Media, and has provided strategic communications and design work for a number of statewide labor organizations. He is the host/producer of the creative music program Flotation Device at Seattle’s KBCS. His articles have been published in Adbusters, Clamor, Z, the Seattle Times, the Post-Intelligencer and elsewhere.

Susan Gleason is Communications and Development Director with Seattle Neighborhood Greenways, and a neighborhood-level community organizer in South Seattle.

Jonathan and Susan launched Universal Declaration Communications Strategies in 2011, to collaborate with progressive organizers and activists seeking creative victories for social and economic justice.

We take inspiration from Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which declares that all people share freedom of opinion and expression, including the right “to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media, and regardless of frontiers.”

Contact: jonathan at universaldeclaration.org.

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